A message from playwright and LTG Patron, Jessica Swale, for the members of Chesil Theatre and all the entrants to the Take Ten Competition...
Ah... writing. Sometimes writing can be utterly joyful. On those days where ideas seem to flow with all the energy and gusto of a kid whizzing down a waterslide, throwing their arm up as the spray cascades, what could be more rewarding! But that is only sometimes. Other times, it can be absolute hell! The 'tyranny of the blank page', as you sit waiting for inspiration to strike- and you wait- and wait... and yet ideas seem as rare as a night bus on a winter's night when you're miles from home and left your gloves in your other coat. Then writing is tough.
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The Winchester Dramatic Society, registered company 1621492 in England & Wales at the Chesil Theatre, Chesil St, Winchester. SO23 0HU.
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